
Friday, April 20, 2007

Life is like a Box of Chocolates

Remember that saying from the movie Forrest Gump, " Life is like a Box of Chocolates, you never know what you are going to get". Wise man Mr. Gump. So I look at my almost year old daughter and see her ever developing personality. And I try to rid my mind of all the expectations I had before she was born. That she would look like me.. wrong she came out looking just like her Dad. That she would be an Angel baby like my Mom said I used to be... wrong again she was collicky and wanted to be fussed over a lot. That she would be social and love people...wrong she still won't even allow my parents to hold her. I mean, you can see where this is going. "Love the child you have rather than the child you wanted", words of wisdom from one of the many parenting books strewn in my hall. But I so want her to be even just a little bitty bit like me. I scared the poor thing when she was a baby by pulling out my guitar and strumming tunelessly on it cause I'd heard that music sharpens the mind. I had hard board books from before she was born and I'd dance and sing like a 24 hour entertainer whenever I got the chance. I wanted her to share my love for music, singins, nature, swimming...I'm not picky even one would do. At the same time I don't want to be the one that suppresses my child's desire to be a footballer because I think art suits her better. It is hard for me as a parent to accept that she is her own being, with gifts that even she hasn't discovered, maybe with talents of a long fogotten ancestor and with every right to be who she wants to be. And I think of my parents, my well meaning father who pointed out to the medical college whenever we passed it from when I was 3 years old and asked me what it was. I guess he hoped I would be a doctor. My well meaning mother who sent me to every possible class when I was five years old. Of course I always did stick to the music because I was inclined towards it. But I do not want to project myself on my daughter. I am trying hard to lie back and watch this new flower never been seen in the world before unfold itself before me. And I want to support her in whatever passions she chooses in her life.

Life is indeed like a Box of Chocolates, you never know what you are going to get. But whatever the flavour is, be ready to embrace it with all your heart!

Love and Peace,

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